April 22 is the symbolic birthday of our beloved Earth! This is the day to remember that all mankind lives in a magical place that provides us with food, water, air, fire, and beauty – which is no less essential. If this planet belongs to us, we belong to it even more. It's up to us to look after it, nurture it, love it, and respectfully enjoy our time here. So, grab your bag of Prima salted sticks and go for a full-day walk in nature! Want to bring a book — okay, your tablet — nope.
On this day we should remember the amazing fact that in relation to the age of the Earth (4.5 billion years) compressed into one day (24 hours), people appear at the very end. Let us show you what these hypothetical 24 hours look like:
• At the very beginning, our planet is formed and begins to orbit the Sun
• At 4:00 in the morning, the first forms of life appear
• Around 2 p.m., the first single-celled algae are formed
• Dinosaurs don't appear until an hour before midnight
• Mammals from 20 minutes to midnight
• And people only appear at 2 minutes to midnight.
Imagine then how old our dear planet is, more precisely how new we are here. We have only just arrived. Unbelievable!
And even that young, we've managed to make rapid and growing progress in society and technology, hugely impacting our planet, especially in the last 100-150 years. We have influenced it to such an extent that geologists have called the new era in which we live the Anthropocene — the era of man. It is precisely because of so much (most often negative) impact on our environment, climate, oceans, and animals that we need to pay much more attention to nature.
Prima sticks invite you to go to the nearby park, forest, or lake on the first beautiful day and to remind yourself of the treasure that surrounds us, and why the day of our planet is really the day of all of us!